About Us
i-bodi is a division of Crawley Creatures Ltd, a UK based special effects company. We are a small but innovative company that successfully combines the traditional skills of engineering with the creative ideas of the film industry to solve design challenges. In our day to day business, we are guided by a quality management system, registered to ISO 9001:2015, that ensures our customers always receive the best possible service.
In 2002 Crawley Creatures received an enquiry from DSTL based in Porton Down to help with a R&D project. They wanted a robotic head-form with realistic skin that could be attached to a breathing machine for testing full face respirators. This was a new venture for Crawley Creatures as up until this point we had only worked within the film, TV and museum industry.
Crawley Creatures took on the challenge and after several months of development, the head-form, which became known as the Porton Head, was in use. Following its successful development, we were then commissioned to make one for USA Army Contracting Agency. Encouraged by these highly successful international defence R&D projects, we created i-bodi technology to focus on this aspect of the business.
Since then we have been involved in a variety of different projects to develop test platforms. These include a range of headforms for respirator testing; breathing machines; a hand for testing glove insulation and the creation of the Porton Man, an anatomically correct moving mannequin that can test protective clothing in chemically challenging environments.

i-bodi Technology Ltd is commited to providing excellence to its customers, demonstrated through the company’s registration of quality assurance with ISO 9001 2015.